Thursday, September 4, 2014


This week I read Ovid's Metamorphosis III unit translated by Tony Kline. When I first started reading it I had a few problems understanding the flow of the stories, why they were being told in the perspective that they were, and even what was happening in the actual story!

I didn't quite understand that the stories I were read were all being shared by a group of Gods and Goddesses. When I finally figured it out, it made the style of the story telling a little bit easier to grasp. I continued to be confused, however, by why some of the story tellers would use 'you' and 'your' and words like that when telling their stories and no one in the audience was present in the story. I also didn't understand the flow of the stories for the longest time. Eventually I noticed a pattern between every few stories, but not between all of the stories told.

I don't enjoy being confused when I am reading. I am already a slow reader and when I don't understand the content, it makes reading that much more agonizing to me. When the storyteller began to describe family relations of the Gods and Goddesses I became instantly confused because all of the Gods and Goddesses in those stories have the Roman names (I think thats what they were) and not the Greek names I am familiar with. For example,  there is Amor in the Ovid but he is known as Cupid in Cupid and Psyche and the other stories I am familiar with. Zeus is known as Jupiter or Juno (I can't remember which one) and Poseidon is known as Neptune. The point is that the different names threw me off. In the last unit I read, Cupid and Psyche, the Roman name of the God or Goddess would be in parenthesis next to the Greek name which was incredibly helpful. It would have been nice if it was the same in this unit as well.

Although I was constantly confused and lost in the content, I did enjoy the stories that I was able to follow. My favorite story was that of Philemon and Baucis or of Pygmalion. Both of the stories were just sweet and heart warming and easier to follow than the others. As much as I love a good story about the Gods and Goddesses doling out their wrath, one where they show compassion is also a favorite.

Source: Pygmalion
Artist: Raoux

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