Thursday, November 20, 2014

Storytelling Week 14: The Dragon and the Lion

The Dragon and the Lion were the very best of friends. An unlikely couple, but they were still as close as could be. One day, when the two were enjoying a gazelle together, Lion looked to Dragon and asked her to a race.

"But Lion, I can fly and you can only run on land. Even if we raced on land, my great limbs would carry me farther, faster! But if you really want to, why don't we race from here to the cave of the mountain?" Lion nodded his head and the two finished their meal. After a short rest, the two stood at the starting place.

"I am sorry that this will not be a fair race Lion, but remember, you are the one who called for it." Dragon said with a gleeful tone. Dragon did love to win and let all around know that she won. She was a proud beast, but still very kind.

"You worry about getting yourself to the finish line and I will worry about myself." Lion purred to his friend.

The race began and, as Dragon had predicted, she went very far very quickly thanks to her large wings. Lion raced on foot, his thunderous steps rattling the lands around. Dragon looked back at one point and could see no more than a speck of her dear friend. She looked forward again and spotted a rainbow in one of the clouds nearby. Dragon loved rainbows. She loved to play in them and watch as they colored her scaly skin. She flew over and played in the rainbow, completely forgetting about the race. Dragon played and played until the rainbow was wrapped around her and no longer in the sky. Only then did she look towards the earth and see Lion only a few feet from the finish line.

"Oh no! I forgot about the race! No worries though. I am fast enough to still make it!" Dragon thought to herself as she flew to the finish line as fast as she could. She flew with all her might but, in the end, Lion came out victorious.

"How did you manage to beat my dear friend? I am the fastest beast in all the land and sky!" Dragon exclaimed.

"Slow and steady wins the race my friend." Lion purred and the two left the cave to go on another adventure.

"Sarah, that is one of the weirdest stories I've ever heard. You know a lion couldn't beat a dragon in a race! No matter what!" Gregor whined as Sarah closed the storybook.

"You are question a lion beating a dragon in a race, but not the fact that the dragon wrapped itself up in a rainbow... Seriously Gregor." Sarah laughed and shook her head. 

Author's note: This story is based off of Foolish Animals from the La Fontaine unit. I kept most of the story the same, just changing the relationship of the two main characters and the setting that they were in. I also, of course, added in the Strike siblings because it just wouldn't be my story if they weren't there!

1 comment:

  1. I have never thought about including elements of my Storybook into one of my Storytelling posts, and I must give you props for making it an element of surprise. You still manage to do a great job of introducing the playful, sibling nature of Sarah and Gregor. Your ability to do that fits this story of competition very well. Great work!
