Monday, September 15, 2014


When the world was still young, and humans still were the dominant race, life was easy. Now, the Elite ruled over what was left of the inhospitable land and life was almost not worth struggling through. Some of us had to though, if we wanted our homes and land back. There were tribes that had learned to live within the jungles and swamps, to live in harmony with the angered Mother Nature. Once the surge had wiped out all electricity on the planet, things started to change. The super-humans began appearing and claiming they were reincarnations of Gods and Goddesses sent to cleanse the earth of the spoiled humanity. As there usually is when a group of people try to take over, a war ensued. True to their super-human nature, The Elite won without even breaking a sweat. The Normals, or regular humans, were banished from the nicer cities, not yet taken back by nature. Well, as you can imagine, they didn't like that too much. Every time a tribe attempted to make a move on the Elite, their efforts were thwarted and they were wiped out. Eventually, Normals just stopped trying and fell into line. The Elites made the tribes worship them as their deities, not allowing any other sort of religious beliefs other than in them. One day something unexpected happened within the largest and most well known tribe in the wilds that would change the course of the relationship between Normals and Elites.

With the harsh environment that Normals lived in, having children was considered a miracle. Baring a child and then raising it all the way to adulthood was even more miraculous. So, when the chief's wive gave birth to three healthy girls, the tribe began to believe them to be their salvation. They praised the Elite for blessing them with such a gift. The three girls grew and learned of their world and their tribe's history. They grew into fine young women, all destined to be rulers of their own tribes for sure. The two eldest daughters were quickly married and sent off to begin their own tribes. The youngest daughter though was finding it difficult to find a suitor. She was as beautiful as an Elite and as strong as the vines and trees that reclaimed the earth. Most men only wished to view her from a distance but never engage in any sort of relationship due to their intimidation of the girl. This girl, young Anima, was not like the other Normals. She had a determination and strength about her that caused people from many tribes to flock to her and worship her as a new deity borne to them.

News of this peculiar child made its way to Caelum, the headquarters of the most powerful Elites. It made its way particularly fast to Veneris, who claimed to be the goddess Aphrodite reincarnated. Not many Normals disagreed with her, she was very beautiful, even for an Elite. Veneris did not like to hear about Normals gaining any sort of religious belief and was to find out the cause of this new threat. She made her way silently to the tribe and observed from her shadows. Veneris watched the girl for several days until she devised a punishment for Anima's insolence in allowing herself to be worshiped when she was nothing more than a worthless Normal.

Veneris quickly made her way back to Caelum and began to set her plan into action.
"Amor! I summon you to me here!" Veneris called for her son, the reincarnation of Cupid, God of Love.
"Yes mother, what is it this time?" he groaned as he stepped through the golden doors. The wings that sprouted from his muscular back were odd, even for Elites, but no ones questioned them as they were so magnificently stunning.
"Do not speak to me in that tone of voice. I am your mother and I demand respect from you. I have an assignment I need you to take care of. There is a girl in Urbem, Anima, who is currently being worshiped by her people and even other Normals from other tribes. I need you to take your bow and arrows and strike her down. Mutilate her beauty, show her people that they cannot worship those who do not deserve it.
Amor rubbed his hand through his cinnamon curls, "Yes mother. I shall take care of it immediately." with that, Amor flew to the tribe to find the girl.

She was not too hard to find, flocks of people following her around. When night time came and she was finally alone in her room he sat in a tree just outside of her window, drew back his bow loaded with one of his special deadly arrows, and took aim for her heart. He watched her as she paced the room and quickly realized he could not loose his arrow. With a heavy sigh he released the string slowly and placed his arrow back into the quiver. He continued to watch and grew very interested in her. She doused her candles and settled into bed. Only then did Amor dare to enter her room. He had just landed gently on the floor when Anima shot from her bed.

"Who is there?" She held a dagger out at arms length.
"No one to worry about. I am here to rescue you. The vicious Veneris has gotten word of your being worship and she has sent her beloved son to strike you down. Come with me, become my wife, and I shall keep you safe. I will return and inform your parents of the situation, they shall not worry." As he spoke, Amor moved silently closer to the bed.

Anima scoffed, "That is the most absurd thing I have heard! You are an intruder in my bedroom, I am not just going to leave with you!

Author's note: This is a story that I wrote from Cupid and Psyche but it was going to end up being WAY too long so I scrapped it. But I thought you all might enjoy it! I might add on to it, I may not, we shall see!

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