Monday, September 8, 2014

Week 3: Famous Last Words

Famous Last Words
So, for this week, I read Ovid's Metamorphosis III. Personally, I was very proud of my storytelling post. I really enjoyed being able to tie in my characters Sarah and Gregor and I think I am going to try and make that a theme of my stories. If there are any fellow students who have read my original post with Sarah and Gregor, I think they will appreciate it! My love for this class is continually renewed every time I get to rewrite a story. I have such a hard time attempting to keep my posts to under one thousand words, so I have decided to write out as much as I want, post it in a 'long version' and then clean up the post and make it fit to the necessary length for the declaration.

I have noticed recently, since I have been making myself be particularly creative for my storytelling posts, I have been doing a lot better in my anatomy class. I think it is because I have been having to take an idea or a story and retell it in a way that everyone can understand. If everyone else can understand it, it will be easier for me to process and manipulate. If I take a concept in anatomy and think of it in several different ways, it makes it easier to apply to many different situations, which is what I normally have a really hard time doing. I am really hoping that this will continue because I really need to pass anatomy this semester.

Speaking of anatomy, I just did an aerial photo shoot with the dance company I am with and I hurt in so many places I look like a penguin when I walk… We did some photos on the actual silk and them we also worked on the lyra, which is a gianormous steel hoolahoop that we hang in the air and then hang on. Basically, it is really painful...

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