Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Week 5 Reading Diary: Arabian Nights

Arabian Nights Reading Diary

1. Scheherazade - although the names are hard to pronounce, I am already engaged in this story! I feel bad for the fathers who have to lose their daughter, I feel bad for the daughters that have to lose their lives, and I feel a little bad for the sultan who was hurt so badly by a woman. But of course! There are two daughter but one must be more extraordinary than the other! It wouldn't be a fairytale otherwise! I am very intrigued as to how the telling of a story will get the daughter out of being murdered. Ah, she distracts him with the charming stories, very smart! This reminds me of another story I just read, but I can't remember the name...
2. The Story of the Merchant and the Genius - just by knowing the name of the next three stories, I know that I have already met the "first old man", the "second old man" and "the fisherman". I am both saddened and pleased that the man kept his word to go back to the genii to be killed. On one hand, he has to die. On another, he kept his word which I appreciate. I am also curious to see how long the daughter can keep up the stories and what will happen when she runs out or the Sultan becomes bored.
3. The Story of the First Old Man and of the Hind - Oh my goodness this makes my brain hurt... This is now a story in a story in a story. And I think I get what the old men are doing. If each man tells a story and the genii likes it enough to take away a third of the punishment, eventually the entire punishment will be gone! I am also getting the vibe that the stories of the old men are reflecting that of the Sultana.
4. The Story of the Second Old Man, and of the Two Black Dogs - I really enjoyed this story too! I am liking the running theme of people with good natures. But I REALLY want to know what the third story was! Though I like this transition between stories, I am so curious!
5. The Story of the Fisherman - Oh my goodness here we go again with the story-ception. I can't read these stories fast enough though, they are so good! They are so engaging I love it!
6. The Story of the Greek King and the Physician Douban - I am curious as to what the physician used to cure the King and I can not believe that we are going into ANOTHER layer of stories! I have lost tract of who is telling who what almost! I have never understood inception better than I do right now.
7. The Story of the Parrot; The Story of the Ogress - I find it so interesting that these characters are using stories to get their point across to someone else. I know that that isn't what is happening in all of these stories, but I think it is cool when it does happen. I got just a little confused when reading about the ogress. I thought the prince escaped but then the ogress was telling him how to get home? I don't understand why she would do that...
8. The Story of the Physician's Revenge - I am amazed that the physician, knowing he would die, also made sure that he took the king down with him. I wonder how the vizir feels knowing that the king still ended up dying! I know he was jealous of the physician, but I don't think he had intended to have the king killed. If only people actually kept their word as readily as the characters in these stories do... I was sure the genii was just going to kill the fisherman when he was released.
9. The Story of the Sultan and the Fish - I think if I was half stone I would be crying too... Even if the sight was so beautiful, I wouldn't be able to run around and that would be awful! GAH. Another story-ception moment. I groan about this, but I find it rather fascinating how easily these stories move in and out of each other. Each one has some underlying tone that is significant to whoever is telling the story.
10. The Story of the Young King and of the Black Isles - That was one of the best stories! Everyone who deserved to live did, everyone who deserved to die did, everyone who deserved splendid rewards did! It was beautiful! I can't wait to read the second half and find out what happened to the Sultana! I hope the Sultan gets some sense knocked into him and stops killing his wives.
11. Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp 1 - When I was younger I saw a movie that was sort of like Aladdin, but just a little different. So far, this story is matching it almost perfectly! I wish I could remember what the movie was called... I want to know how the magician found out about Aladdin. I like how the genie came from the ring and not the lamp! But is there a genie also in the lamp?
12. Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp 2 - The fruits turning to precious stones was in the movie too! I wonder what Aladdin is going to do with two genies! And if there could be a conflict between the two genies.
13. Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp 3 - I feel bad for the genie having to do all of Aladdin's bidding but I do wonder which genie he is using. Does he only use one or does he switch back an forth? And what will the consequence be of using the genie so much. There are always consequences I feel like with that sort of stuff.
14. Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp 4 - See! Consequences. Always happens with genies. I am not surprised that the lamp was stolen, or rather given away.
15. Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp 5 - I don't understand why Aladdin had to give his clothes away in order to get kill the magician. It isn't a big problem to me, I just don't understand it. I am kind of glad to be rid of the magician though. He was irritating!
16. Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp 6 - Will the princess still love Aladdin if he tells her that all of his wealth came from a genie? I don't know if that question will be resolved here or not, it is just a question I have. I have definitely seen a movie that was this exact story. Now I must find it! Anyway, I really liked this story! I would like to know how the Sultana's story ends but I can go and read through that some other day.

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