Monday, August 25, 2014

Week 2 Reading Diary: Cupid and Psyche

Cupid and Psyche

1. The Captive Woman
I was confused at first who was narrating until I remembered that our main hero, Lucius, was turned into a donkey. I think it is interesting how he remembers being human and compares being a donkey to being a human. The captive woman irritates me greatly so far. I am with the old woman in being annoyed with the excessive amounts of tears and wailing. Do something about the situation if you are that upset! I am already feeling emotions towards the characters introduced so I know I am going to like this story.

2. Her Dream
I want to know how close of cousins the captive woman and her betrothed were... It may have been a good thing that the wedding was stopped if they were particularly close cousins, which, knowing what went on in that time period, wouldn't surprise me if they were first cousins. I would also like to know who Cybele and Attis are. I am guessing they are a reference to different Greek gods or some important Greek story. I can understand how such a traumatizing dream of your lover being brutally murdered would cause one to wake up very upset.

3. Psyche's Beauty
Obviously there is going to be some sisterly jealousy just by reading the first paragraph. The foreshadowing of it is almost suffocating. Anytime there is a character with divine beauty, either the Gods or the family turn on the divinely beautiful. Greek Gods and Goddesses are known for their tempers so it doesn't surprise me that Venus had her wrath invoked because of what was going on with Psyche. When the Gods get involved, you know it is going to be a great story!

4. The Oracle of Apollo
I find it interesting that Psyche is referred to as "that wretched girl" just because she isn't married yet. I really appreciate how noble Psyche is as she is escorted to her unfortunate wedding. She may be suffering from the turn of events but she doesn't want her parents to suffer. She still wants her parents to be happy for her even though she knows that her fate is not a very good one.

5. The Magical Palace
I love when stories go into such great detail about magnificent houses and structures. I am a very visual person so the more description, the more I can be pulled into the story and enjoy it. The image of Psyche at the table, being served by invisible servants, having entertainment provided to her by whispering musicians, reminds me so much of Beauty and the Beast. When Belle decides she is hungry so she goes to find food and ends up being served by dancing silverware and plates and things like that.

6. The Mysterious Husband
I think it is interesting how such a magnificent palace is compared to a prison for Psyche. I am confused and frustrated that Psyche still doesn't know what her husband looks like or who he is even after they have consummated their marriage. Wouldn't she have felt his wings? That is something I think you would notice...

7. The Jealousy of Psyche's Sisters
I KNEW IT! I knew there was going to be a clash between the two older sisters and Psyche! With a sister as beautiful as Venus, how could there not be clashes of sisters? I am starting to be able to make out a moral of this entire story but I don't think I will be able to verbalize it until I know what the outcome of everything is.

8. Psyche's Husband Warns Her
I am still confused and frustrated that Psyche doesn't know who her husband is. She even describes some of his features! How could she know the color of his hair if she doesn't know what he looks like? I can tell that the sisters are going to do something very bad to Psyche just based on how harshly Cupid is describing them. I am so in love with this story! Action, romance, betrayal, everything a good story needs! And Greek gods and goddesses!

9. Fears and Doubts
So far through the entire story I have gotten the impression that Psyche really and truly loves Cupid (even if she didn't know it was him), but with how easily she forgets his warnings and easily lets her sisters make horrible images of him in her head, I'm not so sure if she loves him or the wealth and lavishing environment that came with the marriage. Also, I agree with Cupid. Psyches sisters are she-wolves/Furies/harpies/sirens. They are awful.

10. Psyche's Husband Revealed
I am mostly curious about what Cupid will do to Psyche as well as her sister and what Venus will do to Cupid when she finds out he disobeyed her. Goddesses always find out when they have been betrayed and from what I have seen they don't really like it.

11. Psyche's Despair
I am confused about Psyche telling her sisters the story about Cupid throwing her out and going to take her sisters as his wives instead. I understand that she is very upset with them for giving her horrible advice, but she has always seemed so innocent and not capable of causing her sisters to plummet to their deaths.

12. Venus and the Goddesses
I know that Cupid is a god but he is acting like a baby with the burn on his shoulder. They say he is in, "doubtful health" but he just got some hot wax on his shoulder. I am not sure someone can die from that especially a god. Also, I knew that Venus was going to find out that Cupid betrayed her! She is going to be one angry mama! I am very interested to see what is going to happen to both Psyche and Cupid. Psyche is still pregnant I think and the part of the prophecy where she is supposed to birth a winged-serpent baby hasn't happened yet that I know of. I have been captured in this story the entire time but now things are starting to heat up and get even more exciting!

13. Psyche's Prayer
"Not wishing to miss any path, however uncertain, that might lead to better expectations and happy to seek help from any deity, she approached the sacred doors."<-- this is the reason I respect and like Psyche. She isn't going to let being turned away by one deity stop her from trying to find help. This is how the captive woman should act, if you want or need something bad enough, you will do what is necessary to obtain it. Maybe that is one of the reasons the old woman is telling the captive woman this story. Another thing that I love about this story is getting to learn about all of the family ties between all of the gods and goddesses and what they are the deity over. It has always fascinated me.

14. Venus and Mercury
Psyche is one brave pregnant woman! She is planning, I think, to go to Venus's temple to face Venus and see if Cupid is there as well. I think it is funny that the prize for finding Psyche is making out with Venus for a bit. Even back then there was only one thing on a man's mind (I am completely joking and mean no offense to anyone who reads this. I just think it is funny)!

15. Venus and Psyche
Stuff is about to go down! Psyche is about to be in the presence of Venus I am guessing, I am writing this part just based off of the title. Venus is taking this situation to heart a little too much I think... She is threatening to kill her own grandson just to prove a point. At this point, when Venus has given Psyche the task to sort the pile of stuff, I feel like it is a battle between Earth and Heaven, mortals and gods. The task also reminds me of the girl in Rumplestiltskin who has to weave all of the hay into golden yarn.

16. Psyche's Next Task
There wasn't much to this chapter. I enjoyed seeing how she would get around the task of the evil golden sheep even though there wasn't a lot of detail put into it.

17. The Third Task/Task Accomplished
I am confused as to why Jupiter/Zeus's eagle is indebted to Cupid. I will need to read up on that later I guess.

18. The Jar of Beauty
I recognize some of the images referred to in this part. I think it is creepy that the ferry driver has to take the directly from her mouth, but anything in the underworld would be creepy probably. And I am going to be very impressed if she remembers all of the traps that are set for her along the way! I am so curious to see if she makes it and if she does manage to get the bottle, whether or not she will be tempted to look into it. If she does look into it, I wonder what will happen then! GAH! She made it through that entire ordeal and then decides to take some of the divine beauty. WHY? DON'T DO IT!

19. The Sleep of the Dead
Definitely getting the "Pandora's Box" vibe from the situation with the jar. I am surprised there wasn't a more dire consequence for Psyche when she opened the jar. Jupiter's word to Cupid when being asked for help crack me up! So, even though you are a horrible, rotten, spoiled, ungrateful, rude, and ill-behaved little brat, I did hold you in my arms when you were a baby and I am a bit of a pushover when it comes to you so sure, I will help you.

20. The Wedding Feast
Somehow I don't think that Venus would let the issue drop that easily. I am a little sad that the ending was so anti climactic. I enjoyed the entirety of the story of Psyche and Cupid, but I feel like there are parts missing. I should go and see if I can find the entire story somewhere and see if there is more to it.

I had almost forgotten about our donkey friend! I hope they don't kill him. I wonder if he will turn back into a human by the end of this story or not. I also wonder if the story of Psyche and Cupid had any effect of the captive woman.

21. The Escape
I am so happy that Lucius and the girl escaped, i am sad that the old woman was dragged behind the donkey but I will get over that. The ending however is the most frustrating kind of ending ever because now I have to go and read the rest of the story to find out what happens to Lucius and the girl! Over all I loved this story and I don't think I would have a problem reading the entire story!

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