Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Famous Last Words: Week 9

So I haven't done one of these in a while but I really need the extra credit, I am really bored in my class right now, and I am hoping it will motivate me to write my second story for my storybook. I am warning you now, this is going to be a rant on what is going on in life right now and how it is effecting me and this class.

I love this class so much but I hate that I have to put it on the back burner to my anatomy class so much. I am doing fairly well, I manage to get almost all of the assignments done on time, even if I have to rush a little. Anatomy is just very life sucking and is extremely important to my major (and it is my second time around taking it so I REALLY need to pass it this time) and my roommates are relentless in helping to pass because they are the coolest people ever! Seriously, I have the best roommates in the world. They have so much faith in me and are willing to do almost anything to help me study so I can do well. I mean how awesome is that? This is our second year living together and we haven't killed each other yet! Thats how you know they really are true friends, when they stick around after two or more years of living with you and your weirdness. My best friend has actually stuck around my weirdness for almost four years now!

The biggest problem I am having with my storybook right now is actually picking a motif of stories to work with. I have my Planet of the Cats story line going. When I started I thought I would have all of the stories be about cats but now I'm not sure. I can do so much with the cats, I could make the stories be about shape-shifters, stories about actual cats, stories that fit into my story better, I am just not sure!

Also about my storybook, I love it that I have so many people emailing me telling me that my storybook was their free choice and that they are actually following my stories now! I never thought of myself as a good writing, I actually have a huge problem getting my thoughts onto paper in a coherent manner. For some reason, this class makes it so much easier! I also get to learn more about how to write a story, which I appreciate so much!

It cracks me up though when people tell me that they love my story, Planet of the Lions, or how they love all of the lions in my story or all or the pictures of lions in my pages. I laugh because I know you either didn't read any of my story and are just looking around my pages to find something to write about, which I have definitely done in the past! No shame and no judgement will be given from me! My story is NOT about lions, it is about cats. My story doesn't even have lions in it (yet?) except for that emblem on my cover page. The other picture of a cat on my Swift Shadow page even say "Panther" under it and I still have people call it a lion! I'm not trying to scold anyone, like I said, I think it is hilarious! So enjoy my stories however you feel necessary, give feedback as you'd like ( I may or may not put it into affect, but I always take feedback into consideration) and Have a fabulous day!

Panther cub

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