Monday, October 6, 2014

Reading Diary Assesment

So the strategy that I find most useful for me when reading and then taking notes on what I read is that I always read the entire chapter first. After I read the chapter, then I go and take notes on it. Sometimes, if I have a really important thought, I'll go and jot that down and then return to the reading. If there is a chapter that I don't particularly like I say in just a few sentences why I don't like it and then I move on. If there is a chapter that I like I try to keep the entry to only about five sentences six at the most. If I don't I could ramble on and on about it so it is good to set a limit.

I don’t like to put pictures into my reading diaries just because I worry that I won’t be able to find a picture that goes with my diary and, to be honest, I’m just too lazy to go and try to find a picture to go with my diary. I like having images with my stories because I feel like they give them more life and make it easier to picture what is going on in the story.

I don’t normally like reflecting on what I have read. It is tedious and just not really my thing. With these diaries though, I don’t mind it so much because it helps me to remember the story better for when I have to go and write my stories and my essay. I can pick out things that would be good ideas to write about for the essays and make sure that they are written down before I forget them! Which I tend to have a problem with.

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