Monday, October 27, 2014

Week 11 Reading Diary: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

1. Down the Rabbit-Hole - I am so excited to read this unit! I love the movie and the story of Alice in Wonderland so I would love to read the real story! One of the sentences makes me think that Alice is very much a clutz. I'm not sure what sort of motifs I will be able to pick up since this is an actual book, not just a series of stories. I love reading stories when they ft so closely to a movie. Then I can actually see what is going on, not just read it.
2. Down the Rabbit-Hole (cont.) - I like that it goes through the random thoughts that pass through Alice's head. It makes her more personable. I know that when I am walking around alone I think some pretty odd and random thing. Most people do! And it makes it entertaining.
3. Down the Rabbit-Hole (end.) - I love the pictures that are in this unit. They are so very unique! I know the entire story can't be included in this but I really want to read it now... I still love the little insights from Alice. They are so odd!
4. Advice From a Caterpillar - I don't think I ever realized that the caterpillar was smoking a hooka in the Disney movie... Oh the things Disney got away with. I am glad this section is in this unit. I was always really confused by it. 
5. Advice From a Caterpillar (cont.) - Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum! I still do not understand what the "How doth the busy little bee..." has to do with anything or what it means. Same with the "you are old father williams".
6. Advice From a Caterpillar (end) - I wonder if the "serpents" is a symbol for something else. Just the way she talks about them and how she says serpents instead of snakes is just interesting to me. There are sometimes I think there are deeper meanings within this story. Though, I can't tell if it is just the author's writing style, or if there is actual meaning.
7. Pig and Pepper - Oh yes, the dear old Cheshire Cat! I think he is actually my favorite. He is so shrouded in mystery. He is sort of the anti-hero of the movie I feel like. He is both good and bad. He helps Alice, but also gets her into trouble... I wonder if the part in the movie where Alice goes to the rabbit's house was based off of this section. I could see the fit.
8. Pig and Pepper (cont.) - Oh so it was actually a piglet and probably howling to be let down! I didn't realize just how odd this story was...
*9. Pig and Pepper (end) - I love the Cheshire cat so much. He is just so cool! His logic on how, if dogs are not mad and the cat does the opposite of the dog, then the cat must be mad! I can get behind that logic! THis book is so strange I just love it so much! I think I will actually go and read the entire book someday and enjoy all of the oddities! I don't know why more english teachers have this as a required reading. There is so much that they could analyze in it! 
10. A Mad Tea-Party - the more I read this the more I definitely think there is a deeper meaning to the entire story. How Alice keeps trying to teach others how to be proper when, in fact, she is not being very proper herself. The others are teaching her when she is trying to teach them. But i'm not sure if that is exactly it.
11. A Mad Tea-Party (cont.) - Is it odd that I can follow the Mad Hatter and March Hair's logic? I think I get that they are talking about Father Time, making it a him. I like that they refer to time as him. I don't understand how the Mad Hatter "murdered" time, but okay... It also makes so much sense now why they are always having tea! I never got that in the movie!
12. A Mad Tea-Party (end) - I don't understand why they were trying to put the mouse in the tea pot... I know they are mad, but still... and I am glad she FINALLY found the garden!
13. The Queen's Croquet-Ground - The Queen of hearts always scared me... That and I felt bad for her and those who served her. But the cards were some of my favorites. I love the scene where they are flowing around everywhere. 
14. The Queen's Croquet-Ground (cont.) - It would make me really nervous too if a mad woman was running around hitting hedgehogs with flamingos and screaming for everyone to be beheaded. I wonder if she was based off of King Henry the whatever number. The one who beheaded everyone he didn't like.
15. The Queen's Croquet-Ground (end) - I thought it would be hard to behead a floating head. I'm with the executioner. If there is only a head, and no body, it can't be beheaded! It sort of already is...
16. Who Stole the Tarts? - I am trying to figure out what the Rabbit would represent in the deck of cards. MAybe he is the jack of hearts? I think they have a trumpet. But then why make him a rabbit? And a white rabbit at that?  
17. Who Stole the Tarts? (cont.) - At the explanation of the officers suppressing the guinea pig, it makes me think that everything that is happening is a long dream Alice is having. In the dream she goes through things she has learned and then the other characters tell her what is wrong with her logic so she can learn the actual proper way. I knew she was actually in a dream, I just didn't know what the rest of the analysis could be.
18. Alice's Evidence - I think when the king says "nothing whatever," he means "nothing whatsoever". But if this is Alice's dream of what she knows, then as a little girl she might think it is just "nothing whatever". This trial makes my head hurt... but I love the picture of the trial that is in this episode.
19. Alice's Evidence (cont.) - This was my favorite part in the movie. When all of the card flew up around her and make all sorts of neat patterns. I don't know why I liked it so much, but I did!

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