Thursday, October 2, 2014

Week 7 Storytelling: The Great Pest Battle

Finally, the day we have been preparing for for years, was just three days away. The Great Pest Battle everyone called it. The infestation had grown to a treacherous number and it was up to us, the Soldiers of the Temple Grounds, to defeat the pests that had taken over Giant's Home. I, an assassin hound, had risen from the lowly rank of underdog, in order to take out the Queen pest. She took my home, my family, my friends, and soon I was going to take my revenge.

My living-mate was the best assassin in the army so I knew I had a lot to live up to. I was ready for the task though. I wasn't top dog in all of my classes for nothing! Our Flyer, Onyx, was the best Flyer I could ask to be paired with. He was quiet, liked his own space, but we respected each other as well as our living-mate, Joan.

"Greyor! Come over here please!" Joan called out to me, Onyx was already on his shoulder.

"Yes Joan?" I could feel that the battle was getting ready to begin.

"I just wanted to talk to you about the plan again. Also, I wanted to say that you both have been the best living-mates I could ask for. If we make it out of this alive, dinner and drinks on me!" A smile took over Joan's bearded face. I couldn't help but let out a bark of approval while Onyx screeched and fluttered his wings.

"Alright. The General is calling everyone together for a final pep talk. Lets do this and make it back alive!" With that we all got into position and listened to the general. It was one of his better pep talks.

"Alright troops? Let move out!" And with that, we marched. We marched for three days and three nights, stopping at night to make camp but only for a few hours. When we made almost to the threshold of Giant's Home we stopped and got into our formation. The general set the archers and Flyers to their places and the assassins were sent out to do their work. My team was off. We were sent to search for the highest ground we could reach. As we searched I noticed that one of the great giants was asleep in his bed. He was in the way of our battle, but giants are nearly impossible to wake up. We found a nice high ledge and watched as our general and his second hand rode into the room followed by our lead archer. When they were out, the army flowed into the room. A cloud of pests rose from in front of them. The Flyers were sent to knock out their wings and make them grounded so that the rest of the army could take them out.

After what seemed like hours, the fighting finally ended. We had won! I could see Joan, limping but alive down on the ground below. He was moving towards Onyx, who appeared to have a broken wing, but was also alive. I barked with happiness, hoping that someone would hear me. I was wounded and stuck on my ledge. I barked and barked but no one heard me. My heart sank as I watched the army file out back to our home land. Soon, they were all out of sight. I lowered my head to the ground and whimpered. We had won, but I had been forgotten.

There was a loud thud and I slowly lifted my head. the giant was awake and headed my way! I figured it was just my fate to actually die in battle. I closed my eyes but the next thing I knew I was being gently lifted through the air and set in a cushiony box. The giant stared at me and then sat back down. I noticed a few remaining pests left in the large, flat mountain that the giant had slept on. I took it upon myself to dispose of them, hoping that it would show the giant I meant no harm. It worked.

For days we went on like this, I would take out the few pests that dared show themselves, and he would take care of me. I lived out many days with the giant until one day he gently pat my head and put my box on the floor.

"You have been very good to me." he said, "If you wish to return home, you may do so. You are always welcomed in my home! You or any of your brethren!" And with that, he left. I had a good time with the giant, but I wanted to get back to Joan and Onyx. I searched until I took out all of the remaining pests and then went on my way.

Gregor woke with a start. He sat up in bed and ruffled his bed head. He checked to see what time it was and then looked down the hall to see if Sarah was still asleep, which she wasn't. Then he turned on the light and cautiously looked around his room. He sat there for a moment more before calling out, "SARAH! No more red wine before bed! I just had the WEIRDEST dream!" He hopped up and ran into his sister's room to tell her about how he dreamed he was a tiny assassin hound in an army of tiny people.

Author's Note:
This story is based off of The Little Hunting Dog from the unit, Chinese Fairy Tales. I honestly am not sure if I changed a lot, or a little. I changed the perspective to that of the little hunting dog, but I kept what actually happened in the room with the fleas and gnats the same. I also kept the same the fact that the man finds the dog and the dog ends up helping the man get rid of the rest of the pests. I did change the ending. It made me sad how the dog was smooshed by the man so I made it to where the dog has a nicer ending. I also decided to throw Gregor and Sarah in there because why not! They are in all of my other stories!

The Chinese Fairy Book, by R. Wilhelm and translated by Fredrick H. Martens (1921).


  1. Hey Sage,

    So I really liked your story! I thought it was pretty fun and it made me want to read the Chinese Fairytales Unit! Darn. I like the picture you included in the end of the story. It gave me a nice visual of what the dog looked like, and he's pretty cute. I like that you changed the ending of the original story; I would not have like to see the dog get swooshed either, so it was definitely a much happier ending.

    I think it is really nice that you are reusing characters through your storytelling's. I think that is a cool idea and I wish I had implemented that into my stories as well. All-in-all I really enjoyed reading your story! Good Job. :)

  2. Sage,

    I also read the Chinese Fairy Tales unit this week and I enjoyed the stories. I am so glad you changed the ending of this story! I am so weak for dogs so I would have been so terribly sad if you kept the original ending. I love how you have characters that you put in all of your stories. What a great idea! It is a fun way to change up a story without changing it too much. I wish I had thought of it. Your story felt like a real, original story when I was reading it. I think you did a great job wit this unit. Good job!

  3. I read this unit and the little soldiers and their dogs were my favorite. I was really confused at first before I realized which story you were doing. I thought that everyone in the story was a dog then I thought everyone was a bug. But, once I realized what was going on, I really enjoyed your version. I am glad that you kept it as the dog being happy and that the giant was gentle and kind to him like in the original. Good job.

  4. Sage, I really enjoyed your story, it was imaginative and did a good job of retelling the story from the little hunting dog's perspective. It added another layer to the somewhat odd original story. I decided to read the original story after reading yours and it was cool how the meaning of your story changed after I read the original. Good job.
