Thursday, October 30, 2014

Week 11 Storytelling: The Mad Rabbit Hole

"This was a really good idea, Sarah! We haven't had a nice picnic in a long time. I forgot how much I like kicking back and eating food that isn't freeze dried or alien." Gregor propped his feet up against a tree, enjoying the sun from his home planet, Earth. The Strike siblings hadn't been home in many years. They didn't have a home to call their own anymore, but there was plenty of space for them to park their space ship and enjoy the day without anyone bothering them.

"You do know that you're eating a Maukuan Panther fruit, right? Remember we got those from that cat planet? You wouldn't be able to tell alien from non-alien if it spit in your face and called you a troll." Sarah ducked as Gregor playfully threw the core of his alien apple at her.

The two sat and enjoyed their day for a while until something odd appeared by their ship. Gregor noticed it first, "Sarah, do you see that? Look, over there, by the landing gear of the ship." Sarah turned her head and followed his gaze when she finally saw it too. It looked like a gnorsha! A small, rabbit-mouse like creature with thin, blue skin and gnarly looking claws and teeth. They were pests from one of the many planets the Strikes had visited.

"Crap... lets go check it out and make sure there aren't more of them trying to eat our ship." Sarah and Gregor dropped what they were doing and headed that way. When they got closer Sarah gave out a little squeak of excitement.

"GREGOR!" she whispered fiercely.

"What? It's just a gnorsha, why are you so..." Gregor realized and almost made the same squeaky noise as his sister, but then decided that wasn't very manly so kept it to himself.

"It's a pygmy-dragon! Let's see what it wants!" Now, pygmy-dragons are one of the most intelligent races in the galaxy. They are small dragons that have vibrant colors spotting their bodies. Their relatives, the emperor dragons and grand dragons, work in close harmony with the pygmy-dragons, but mostly they just try to not step on them when going to their gold mounds.

"Sir! Excuse us, Sir Pygmy! May we help you? We are... well how rude. He ran away." Sarah pouted a little. Gregor leaned over, "Lets go chase him." Sarah smiled, looked at her brother, and then the two sprinted off after it.

"I am going to be late! This is no good! No good for an esteemed pygmy-dragon such as myself! This could ruin my reputation with the others!" The pygmy-dragon was shouting back to the Strikes. The little dragon ran into open field, here Sarah was almost upon him, when he suddenly vanished right before her! Not being able to stop in time, Sarah ran through the force-field the pygmy-dragon had run through. That force-field drops right into a large hole, which Sarah fell right into.

Gregor yelped and tried to run in after her, but the force-field wouldn't let him through. He ran back tot he ship to see if he had anything he could track her with.

Sarah screamed as she fell, and then she stopped screaming as she fell. She quickly realized that she was falling very slowly, almost floating, downwards. She looked down but couldn't see a bottom. The farther she fell, the more stuff she noticed suspended around her. The oddest things too! Books and bookshelves and rocking chairs and maps just sitting in the air and gliding down with her. Sarah figured since she was stuck in that situation, she might as well take advantage of it. Carefully, in case it was a trap, she plucked on of the books from the shelf closest to her. Nothing happened so she looked at the book. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by C.S. Lewis. Sarah scoffed and put the book back. She didn't think a children's book was going to help her in this odd situation.

Author's note: I based this story off of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Since there were several different episodes within this unit, I pick the Down the Rabbit-Hole episode because I could picture writing Sarah and Gregor into the setting. So I didn't change too much from the original. Alice sees a white rabbit in a coat, which is unusual, and she chases it down a rabbit-hole where she slowly falls down into Wonderland. I changed the main characters to my bounty hunter duo and I changed the unusual rabbit to my little pygmy-dragon.

Bibliography: Alice's Adventure in Wonderland by C.S. Lewis Carroll (1865)

Image information: The White Rabbit


  1. Sage, I also read this unit for this weeks reading! I like the alterations you made to the original for your particular story. It was very different and clever, I would have never thought to do a story so futuristic. In addition, I thought this particular unit was quite challenging to read, much less create an entirely new story from. I thought the unit was a little more difficult to understand than the movie was. I thought you did an excellent job and your writing was very detailed and specific! Great job!

  2. Great storytelling, Sage! I just ready your storybook earlier today and I love how you added the Strike siblings to this! It all fits so nicely. You also didn’t skimp out on adding a bit of your humor into this storytelling. My favorite part was when Sarah grabs the book off of the shelf and sees that the title is Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. It is irony at its best work!

  3. Hey Sage! It seems like almost everyone must have read this unit because most of the storytellings this week are about Alice in Wonderland. Although I have read lots of these retelling so far, I like yours because you made some changes to the original story! You didn't make major changes but the little changes you made to the characters were great. Good job!

  4. Great story, Sage! I really like how you were able to work your love of dragons into the story. Wouldn't it be cool if we all could have a little pygmy dragon as a pet, or a companion? Something to dream for I guess haha. I love how it is always our curiosity that gets us into trouble. If only Sarah, or Alice, had just left the rabbit or pygmy dragon alone, then they wouldn't have gotten themselves into such a situation haha. Nice job! Keep it up!

  5. I think it is funny to read through peoples’ storytelling posts for the week because there seems to be one common theme, we all picked the same story! I think people did this because it was something that was familiar! I like how you added in the small dragon; it was a very creative twist! Overall great job, I really enjoyed reading this!
